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Chase Whitehead
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Meet the Teacher
Added Aug 19, 2020
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hey good morning or good afternoon Bradley Elementary and Bradley high school students parents and Guardians my name is coach Whitehead and I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer back to school I see ACT prep freshman Hill 7th to 9th grade boys and girls PE elementary PE and also coach baseball yo I hope to explain a requirement adequately enough for you to understand what you what is required of you to bring to each of those classes that I just mentioned first and foremost ACT prep ACT prep class you will need to have pan or Pam. Going to ride with you will be required everyday take practice ACT test that in Hope and an intern if you take it seriously and hope that we can improve ACT test scores by the time you take the ACT this class is not a free. This is not a free class for you to do whatever it is that you desire to do you will be required to take teas exam practice test so make sure you have something right with and you come ready to take this class seriously this is not a remediation this is not a free. You will be required to do work 9th grade health are you required to have a pen or pencil something you can write with everyday when you come in you will have four for the ones that are in person you will have a book buy textbooks available you all I required to bring a notebook or binder that has loose loose loose leaf paper available for you to be able to take notes or for you to do classwork in I cannot wait High School PE boys and girls that you bring an extra pair of clothes to change in before PE I will give you time before PE Begins for you to go into the room at the change into another pair of clothes and was also give you time after PE is over before the bell rings for you to go in the locker room and change out of those clothes and back into your school clothes this was not required of me last but it is going to be required for this year make sure that you bring an extra pair of clothes and an adequate shoes to be able to run an exercise during this is very important you will be you will you will be graded daily on your preparedness and your Readiness and your participation in PE is important for your grade either bring a pair of another pair of clothes to change into or to wear a pair of clothes that you don't mind getting sweaty and you don't mind running around in make sure you have appropriate shoes appropriate shoes or tennis shoes not appropriate shoes or boots in open toe shoes is very important elementary PE kids and parent I look so forward to seeing your kids every day and the one thing that I didn't do that then I need to require of you is to make sure on PE every kid does happy every single day on PE de please have your kid wear appropriate Footwear to Tepee boots and open toe shoes that just flip flops or make it very difficult at the play in and I cannot wait to get this year started and get to see you guys for any more questions comments or concerns about what I just do you please feel free to email me at the link below the link below says Chase Chase Whitehead Whitehead at etbsd. feel free to email me with any comments or questions or concerns and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner and answer those questions as soon as I can we are all going to have a gray this is going to be a challenging year and Uncharted Territory for but it's going to be a great year and I cannot wait to see every single student going to be a fantastic year and gobert
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Chase Whitehead
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